About Us

About Us

SketchersLodge Updates is a blog platform where news of programming and hacking are been updated every time. We keep updates, teach, learn and give all this information to the outside world. Join codewars where to learn coding in a more advanced manner

Our Goals

Our aim is to make every programmer out there to be updated on what ever is going on around them, to share knowledge and to be a platforms that the main reason is to be an open source blog where programmers and Ethical hackers from around the globe can come to make a difference.

Computer Science

Computer Science is the study of computers and computational systems. Unlike electrical and computer engineers, computer scientists deal mostly with software and software systems; this includes their theory, design, development, and application.
Principal areas of study within Computer Science include artificial intelligence, computer systems and networks, security, database systems, human computer interaction, vision and graphics, numerical analysis, programming languages, software engineering, bioinformatics and theory of computing.
Although knowing how to program is essential to the study of computer science, it is only one element of the field. Computer scientists design and analyze algorithms to solve programs and study the performance of computer hardware and software. The problems that computer scientists encounter range from the abstract-- determining what problems can be solved with computers and the complexity of the algorithms that solve them – to the tangible – designing applications that perform well on handheld devices, that are easy to use, and that uphold security measures.

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