Metasploit introduction

As of now, Metasploit is one of the most powerful tools used for penetration testing and it is being said to be written with Ruby.

Note we have ruby courses also.

Most of its packages can be found at − It comes in two versions: community and free edition. There are no major differences in the two versions, so in this tutorial, we will be mostly using the community version (free) of Metasploit.

As an Ethical Hacker, you will be advised to use “Kali Distribution” which has the Metasploit community version embedded in it along with other ethical hacking tools. But if you want to install Metasploit as a separate tool, you can easily do so on systems that run on Linux, Windows, or Mac OS X.

The hardware requirements to install Metasploit are −

2 GHz+ processor1 GB RAM available1 GB+ available disk space

Matasploit can be used either with command prompt or with Web UI.

The recommended OS versions for Metasploit are −

Kali Linux 2.0 or Upper Versions Backtrack 3 and Upper VersionsRed Hat Enterprise Linux Server 5.10+Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6.5+Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.1+Ubuntu Linux 10.04 LTS Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS Windows Server 2008 R2Windows Server 2012 R2Windows 7 Windows 8.1

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